phone reading, or a soulmate Reading by phone, they all work by transmitting energy. The telephone is already a conductor of energy, so it lends itself well to Mrs. Lynn’s work.

Get the facts with a Psychic Phone Reading
For more than 30 years, Mrs. Lynn has been a fulltime psychic reader and energy healer. She conducts readings over the phone, and also reads for people at her Chicago office where she’s been located for more than 20 years. Therefore, (unlike Psychic Lines) you have the comfort of knowing that if you ever want to see her in person, there is a physical address and she is available to meet with you. A full range of range of readings and services are available by phone, including Soulmate Uniting and Energy Balancing
How Does this Work?
This is not a “Psychic-Line”, You’re never charged by the minute. Phone Readings by Mrs. Lynn are priced at a flat rate. You pay for the consultation you choose and that’s all. Therefore, you’ll never get something filled with “Fluff” to meet a minimum requirement, or be cut-off due to time limits.
To prepare for your Phone Reading:
- Mrs. Lynn must connect with your personal energy; therefore, you should be in as calm a place as possible. You can’t be driving, walking, working, talking with other people, etc.
- You should be somewhere quiet and private, where you won’t be disturbed. You should turn off, TVs, radios and anything distracting. Keep distractions to a minimum so you can get the best session possible.
- Being physically uncomfortable can create interference. So, find some-where comfortable and secure to sit or lay during the session.
- If you want to learn about someone else, it is useful to have his or her date of birth / a picture of that person – if available, but this is not crucial.
- Take a moment to focus and clear yourself of any anxiousness about revelations you may receive. Keep yourself open to the information that is about to be imparted (good or bad). It is the unaltered facts that that will give you the insight you need to achieve your goals.
- Remind yourself that you seek Truth and remember that “Truth” is the tool that will help you to build a better future.

Q. How long does a Reading by Phone last?
A. It can last from 20 minutes up to 1 hour, depending on what you have going on in your life and which consultation you choose. All fees are at Flat Rates so you never have to worry about going overtime. Even if the session runs for more than an hour, there is no extra charge.
Q. How do I know which type of consultation is right for me?
A. If you can’t decide beforehand, Mrs. Lynn will explain the choices to you and you can make your selection at the time of your appointment.
Q. Is a consultation over the phone as accurate as in person?
A. Absolutely – whether you choose the Tarot Cards, Soulmate, or Psychic Phone Reading; sessions over the Phone are just as detailed and accurate as it is in person.
Q. May someone else be present, or listen in?
A. Another person present, or listening, can interfere with your session. Whatever type of reading, they all work by detecting vibrations of energy. If someone else is present, his or her energy can be confused with that of the intended recipient.
Q. I heard I shouldn’t tell others about my reading. It that true, and if so – Why?
A. knowing your future is privileged information. Talking about what your session revealed opens you up to outside forces. This can cause positive events to go bad and the negative to get even worst. It is fine to critic your reading. You can tell someone if it was accurate or not, good or bad. However, you should divulged no details of the session until the events foretold, occur; or the estimated time for the occurrence has already expired. In this way, you can protect yourself from outside influences that can interfere with your future
Q. Is the call confidential.
A. “YES” Your Privacy is respected and guarded. All your information remains completely private and confidential
What to Expect
After making your appointment request, Mrs. Lynn will reply usually within an hour, to confirm your appointment. To conduct your reading, she can call you at the number you provide or you can call her, whichever you prefer.
Before the consultation begins:
A. For a psychic phone reading, Mrs. Lynn will only need your name and date of birth.
B. If you choose to have the tarot cards read by phone, she will also ask you to choose 3 numbers (between 1 and 78) so your energy can connect to the cards.
C. If you choose the soulmate session, she will also need the First Name / Date of Birth of the person or persons you wish to know about .
Whichever consultation you’ve chosen, the session begins with a base reading. This will give you information about your past present and future before you ask any questions. You will learn about various areas of your life, such as love, health, career, and money. Mrs. Lynn will conduct this portion of the consultation without asking any questions because she wants to be certain that the information you receive is uninfluenced by your queries.
After this portion of the consultation, you might not have many questions left. However, if you should, Mrs. Lynn is there to uncover the answers you need. Each question is focused on individually. Every answer is the result of a careful psychic analysis of the circumstances, so that you can have the most in-depth understanding possible.
Once your questions are answered, your session will be gone-over, to point out areas of your life and circumstances that may need your extra attention. Mrs. Lynn may also recommend any specific action you can take to improve certain situations.
Mrs. Lynn wants to insure that you reap all the benefits of your consultation, so as the session ends, she will ask if you need further explanation about anything she’s told you and if there is any part of the reading that needs further clarification. Rates
Mrs. Lynn is waiting to hearing from you.
For your private psychic reading by phone, schedule your session today.